Friday, April 13, 2012

Grace's Due Date is Today

Today was the day my baby was supposed to be born.  The date that I told people for months with a big goofy smile on my face.  The date that is circled with a big happy face on my calendar.  I know that she was likely not going to be born today, she could have been early or since it was my first pregnancy more than likely late, but today was the day that I held in my heart for her.  It has been 2 months without her and my heart is still breaking.  I hope that where ever she is she is safe and happy and knows how much her Mom and Dad love her and miss her.

Tears for my little girl


  1. Oh, such a hard day. I wish you had Grace with you still. I'll be thinking of you and your family today.

  2. What a sweet, wonderful photo! It brought tears to my eyes. The due date is/was so hard. After my due date passed I had a really hard time because it was like everything associated with my pregnancy and with my daughter was just gone, over and done with. Sending big hugs to you!!

  3. Hi...I am new to your blog. Just want to let you know I am thinking of you on this special, significant day. I have been there. Many hugs to you.

  4. Amanda, as promised I've thought of you so often, and just a couple of days ago was thinking your due date must be approaching soon. Sometimes it feels like there's nothing more to say than, "I'm sorry". I'm sorry Grace was taken from you, I'm sorry it hurts so powerfully and unendingly, I'm sorry you and your husband must not only suffer through today - the day that was supposed to be in many ways the very highlight of your life - but through every day without her. I hope that you and Mark did something kind for yourselves, something to recognize and acknowledge Grace in a way that somehow made today more significant than the days before or after, in a way that brings some measure of peace and room to breathe, knowing that she will always be your special, special girl.
