Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fighting with the DH

Had a fight with my husband tonight.  I guess not really a fight, but he said something insensitive and then I said something mean and then he got his pillows and took them into the guest bedroom and is going to bed and we are not speaking.  I actually completely blame him for all this, which since I am still mad about what he said is probably not shocking.  I have been subtly and not so subtly asking for support and comfort all night and he has kinda been a pain in the butt.  I get so sick of being the steady support, the glue that holds our relationship together.  Sometimes I want him to do what I want and not ask 10 million questions about my choice or try to talk me out of it, or pout when he finally does what I want, or blame me for the dog eating a bag of candy he left out since I MADE him to something.  Jerk....  And seriously why would an almost 8 year old pit bull want to eat a bag of licorice all sorts?

The sad thing is I have been meaning to post about my most recent hypnotherapy session and now I am just to plain mad to write about it well.  So instead I will post a picture of one of my cats wearing a bow tie.  Why?  Cause he looks super cute and I don't have a living baby to dress in cute outfits so my cats are being used as substitute children.   That and it is a Tiny's Tie, so all the proceeds go to the Fredericton SPCA in Canada.

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