Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Daughter is Missing

My Daughter is missing.  Can you tell me where she is?

I felt her within me and then she was gone.  Sometimes I still feel her.  How can then that be if she is gone?

I wished for her for so long.  She was so loved and so wanted and yet missing she is.

I cry for her, so many tears, so much pain, but the love that I felt for her from the moment I knew she was is the constant.

My Daughter is missing, but she is with me always as well.


  1.  some would try to change their phone numbers, email and messenger address and would even move locations just for you to be able to lose track of them. However missing persons specialist

  2. As has been discussed in several articles in this series, the primary focus of Geometry is to find missing measurement--both side lengths and angle measures--in geometric figures. We have already shown how the 36-60 right and 45-right special triangles are shortcuts can help. In addition, we started looking at another potential shortcut, SOHCAHTOA. This is a mnemonic device for remembering the trigonometric ratios; and in a previous article, we discussed this device at length from the standpoint of what the letters stand for and what the trig ratios actually are. In this article, we will put this information to work as a tool to find the missing measurements in any right triangle. looking for family members
